At Papedas, we strive to provide accurate product images and information on our website, but packaging updates and ingredient changes may occur without prior notice. Please note that the freshness of our products is always guaranteed, even if shipped in different packaging.
It is essential to read the labels, warnings, and directions of all products carefully before use and not solely rely on the information provided by Papedas.
Please note that the information on our website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or replace medical or specialist advice. If you are currently taking prescribed medication and plan to take nutritional or herbal supplements, it is recommended that you consult with your GP or specialist health practitioner to ensure the combination of prescription medication and supplements is suitable for you.
The information provided on our website is solely intended to inform you about our products. However, we do not make any representation or warranty of any kind regarding the information. We do not accept any liability for any loss (direct, indirect, or consequential) that may arise from reliance on the information contained on our website or any errors or omissions.